On a day the government said in the Rajya Sabha it would build consensus on rules for controlling internet content, an international hacking group reportedly breached the websites of the ruling Congress and the Supreme Court of India.
The Delhi Bar Council also claimed that its website was defaced by unidentified hackers. Hacker group Anonymous is believed to have attacked the websites in response to the Centre blocking torrent portal Pirate Bay and video-sharing Vimeo. The group is said to have launched “MT Operation India” to protest the government's censorship plan. While both the Congress and SC admitted their sites were down for sometime, they denied the sites were hacked.
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“The site is not hacked at all. It was not opening for sometime because the load on the particular server was too heavy due to huge number of hits after the news of website hacking spread. It went slow at that time due to over-traffic,” Congress party's computer department chief Vishwajeet Prithvijeet Singh said.
Anonymous Central had earlier tweeted, "Namaste #India, your time has come to trash the current government and install a new one. Good luck."
The latest attack is one among many in recent times. Hackers had broken into Congress websites last December and defaced party chief Sonia Gandhi's profile page with objectionable material. The cyber attack coincided with Gandhi's 65th birthday.
That attack came just days after telecom minister Kapil Sibal asked social media networks, including Facebook and Twitter, to remove offensive material from their websites.
In June 2010, classified data from an army major’s computer was found to have been transferred to a Pakistani ISI operative. Two senior Indian diplomats found their email accounts were hacked in Beijing last year.
The Indian youth is satisfied with the act of anonymous hacker's act,which clearly shows the unhappiness of the Indian's toward it's government.
<source: Hindustan times>